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The Guardian Centers of Georgia
600 Perry Pkwy
Perry, GA   31069

Event date: October 29th. gates open at 8 am.  (7:30 for zombies)

we will have limited time available during event week for phone calls.

We will have an OPTIONAL early packet pickup at the venue on Friday, October 28 from 1:00 until 7:00 pm.  See important advisories below

We are thrilled to have you as a participant in the Zombie at the Zombie Run Escape at the Guardian Centers of Georgia.  Runners and zombies alike, we want your experience to both fun and easy.  Please do your part by reviewing the following information about packet pick-up, registration/check-in and other important items for event day.  We’ve also included spectator information so your friends and family can have a fun-filled day, too.

Important Advisories

  • • Parking will be at the venue. $10 per vehicle cash. Please be prepared. The cityscape and festival area are located about a mile from the parking area. Busses will be provided, please look for Bus pickup points.

  • • Food vendors and beer will be available at the event.  Vegan and specialty dietary food options are likely to be limited.

  • • No alcohol or unopened containers can be brought into the event.  No weapons of any kind, including props may be brought in to the event.  Bags will be checked.  Unopened non-alcoholic beverages and food may be brought in. 

  • • No credit cards can be accepted. This will be a cash only event.  Please plan ahead. Exception: credit cards are taken for helicopter rides.

  • • Please respect our venue and community – everything and anything you bring on site must leave with you or be placed in a proper receptacle.

  • • The venue includes pavement, turf, submerged turf, trails.  We will not add mud but some trails may be muddy.

  • • Get those undecided friends to sign-up before the price increase.  On line registration will close at midnight, October 26, 2016.  After that registration will be available only in person, at the event with at-the-door pricing of $100-runner, $50-zombie cash only.

  • • Spectator admission is $10 at the door.  Under 14 are free.

  • • Waivers are required; we will have them at registration

  • • Course and venue map:

  • • Zombie Run registrations are non-refundable but transferrable.  If you cannot make the event you can print out your registration email and write/sign a note giving your registration to another person.  Have that person present the note at the registration tables.  They must me the minimum age requirements.

  • • If you miss your wave, you can jump in any available wave.  The last wave of the day is at 1:00 pm.

  • • Team changes/wave time changes, etc. can be completed at the registration tables.  Minimum age to be a runner is 11, to be a Zombie is 13.

  • • There will be an OPTIONAL early packet pickup on Friday, October 28 from 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm at the Front Parking Lot of the Guardian Centers. This is OPTIONAL; you do NOT have to pick up your packet early. If you choose to pick up your packet early, come to the front parking lot of the Guardian Centers, 600 Perry Pkwy, Perry GA, under the tent between 1 pm and 7 pm on Friday 10/28. Access to the course/venue will NOT be available. Please note, there is no spectator packet pickup, spectators please plan to check in at the gate morning of the event. Please bring an ID. Minors under 18 must have a person over 18 with them to sign the waiver and provide ID. Please note: the Guardian Centers require that the waivers be signed IN PERSON BY THE PERSON ATTENDING. We cannot allow others to pick up your race packet. Packets must be picked up IN PERSON either at early packet pickup or at the venue the morning of the event. Again, Please note:



Rules & Safety at Zombie Run

General (Applies to BOTH Runners and Zombies)

1. Do not have direct or intentional aggressive physical contact with any runner or zombie.  Do not touch, hit, tackle, kick or anything else that may be harmful.
2. No weapons of any kind including props. 
3. Only unopened beverages may be brought into the venue. Do not bring drugs or open beverage containers into the event. 
4. No pets.
5. Event bibs must be worn in an easily viewable place on the front of your body while on the course.
6. Abide by all instructions given from the event directors, event staff, volunteers and security.
7. There is a bag check available for $5.    Zombie Run is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
8. The tunnels are off-limits while the run is happening (we intend to open them for spectators before and after the race), the "boneyard" is off limits (storage area on north side of the property), building roofs are off-limits, any building marked as do not enter are off limits, the collapsed buildings are off limits (rubble, re-bar and unstable surfaces make them unsafe to walk through), course area outside of the fence line require either a race bib (for runners and zombies) or a hand stamp for re-entry. Day-of-event instructions and signage take precedence.


Rules for Runners
1. Do not have direct or intentional aggressive physical contact with any other runner or zombie.  Do not touch, hit, tackle, kick or anything else that may be harmful.
2. Feel free to bring a towel and change of clothes.  
3. Your flags must be worn on the outside of your clothes and they must remain visible to course officials while you are on the course.  If you lose all your flags on the course, continue the run. 
4. Do not steal flags. Runners are not allowed to take other runner’s flags or pick them up off the ground.
5. Do not hide your flags inside your clothing, wrap your flags around your belt, hold onto the flag, etc. This is a fun run; there is no reason to cheat.
6. Do consider wearing costumes, they are both welcomed and encouraged. However no weapons of any kind can be used, including props. What better way to identify your team of family and friends and confuse the zombies?
7. There are two types of zombies you must avoid while on the course, fast and slow.  Be prepared for either.

Rules for Zombies
1. Do not have direct or intentional aggressive physical contact with any runner or other zombie.  Do not touch, hit, tackle, kick or anything else that may be harmful.  Yes.  This is the third time we’ve said it… we really mean it, for everyone’s safety.
2. Zombies must abide by the safe zone boundaries established.
3. Zombies may take only one flag per runner.
4. Zombies may not double-team a runner.
5. Zombies must give reasonable clearance around an obstacle before pursuing a runner.


What should I expect at Zombie Run?

Runners will traverse a 5K course of mixed terrain and zombies.  Using flag football belts, runners try to remain human (“survive”) by crossing the finish with at least one flag.  Meanwhile the zombies try to infect as many as possible with the taking of flags.

When and where do I get my event materials?

All runners and zombies will pickup their event materials at registration/check-in at the venue.

Runners – Please plan to arrive at least one hour before your wave time for ample processing time.  Runner registration/check-in will close at noon.

Zombies – Please plan to arrive at least 1.5 hours before your shift for sufficient time to clear registration/check-in, make-up and placement on the course.  Zombie registration/check-in will close at 10:30 am.

All participants (runners and zombies) will need to present a photo ID and complete an on site waiver.  Yes, you completed a waiver when you registered, but we are required to obtain a hard copy at the event.  For those under the age of 18, a parent or guardian MUST be present to sign the waiver – NO EXCEPTIONS.   If the parent or guardian cannot be present to authorize the waiver, the participant will not be allowed on the course and no refund will be issued. NOTE “Guardian” as we mean it here is someone over age 18 responsible for the child. Not necessarily a “Legal” Guardian.

On the day of the event, when should I plan to arrive?  Where should I go?

All runners, zombies and zombie/runners (see next question for more info) will start at Registration/Check-in located at the venue.  A photo ID and on site waiver will be required.  For those under the age of 18, a parent or guardian MUST be present to sign the on site waiver – NO EXCEPTIONS.

Runners – Day of registration/check-in opens at 8:00 am.  Please arrive at least one-hour before your wave time to clear registration/check-in.  Runner registration/check-in will close at noon.

Zombies – Day-of registration/check-in opens at 7:30 am.  Please arrive at least 1.5 hours before your shift to clear registration/check-in, complete your zombie transformation and be placed on the course.  And as a zombie, your brain is no longer functioning like before, so the first shift report should report at 7:30 am..  Zombie registration/check-in will close at 10:30 am.

Can I run the course more than once?  Is there a fee for a second lap?

Wow!  You are tough!  Or really testing fate.

There is no additional fee for running a second time.  Simply let us know you want to run more than once when you check-in at the runner registration/check-in tent.  We’ll let you what wave(s) are available to accommodate a second lap. 

What will be in my event packet?

Runners, Zombies and Zombie/Runners – You will receive an assigned bib with a detachable t-shirt coupon.  Plan ahead to keep the coupon safe while you are on the course (i.e. use them beforehand, give them to a friend or family member for safekeeping, or tuck them somewhere ‘safe and special’ on your person) but do not lose them as replacement coupons cannot be provided.

To claim your shirt, turn in your coupon at the t-shirt table in the party/registration area.

When/where do Runners get their belt and flags?

Runners will be provided a belt and three flags at the start line.

For the lucky few who participated in our Tweet program, first, thank you; and second, your extra flag will be provided at Registration/Check-in.

What do I do if I need to make a change to my wave time or my team?  What happens if I’m late for my wave or my team members are spread over more than one wave?

Got a late start and will miss your wave time?  Still working to get all your teammates into the same wave?  No worries.  No need to call or email us.  These are easy to resolve at registration/check-in.  Just talk to us about your concerns when you arrive.  We will resolve all questions at that time. 

Will we have to pay for parking?  Where do we park?

Parking is at the venue, $10 per car.  Please plan on car-pooling.  Follow instructions from police and parking personnel.  Busses are available to transfer you from the parking area to the event check-in; they will run all day. NOTE- we will have a bus equipped with a wheelchair lift dedicated to our handicapped patrons.  If you need this service please identify yourself to parking staff and park in the handicapped spaces.

Are there Traffic Considerations?

From I-75 North or South take exit 138, Thompson Rd/Perry Pkwy The venue is west of the interstate and adjacent to it.  HINT- avoid traffic backups at this exit by taking Exit 136 instead, go west on 341 (Sam Nunn Blvd) 1.5 miles, then right on Perry Pkwy 1.5 miles to the venue

Will I get muddy?  Do I need a change of clothes?

The course can be muddy.  Please plan accordingly.

Is there a bag check?

There will be a bag check available for $5.  We encourage you to leave valuables at home, in your car or with a friend.  Zombie Run is not responsible for your items.

How do I get my Zombie Run shirt?

To claim your shirt, turn in your coupon at the t-shirt table in the party/registration area.

Will there be food and drink for purchase at the venue?

Food trucks and a beer vendor will be on hand.  

Will credit cards be accepted at the event? What if I need cash while I’m at the event?  Is there an ATM?

This is a cash only event.  There are no ATMs.  Please be prepared before arriving.


I want to bring family and/or friends to cheer me on.  What do they need to attend?

Spectators are welcome, $10 at the venue 14 and over.  Parts of the course are outside of the fence line, you must get hand stamped for re-entry

This is a family event, however, parents are cautioned that zombies will be walking around the festival area.

Can spectators go out into the course area?

Yes, spectators can walk around the course area but, for safety reasons (we’d hate for a zombie to mistake you for a runner and chase you for your brain)…
• Spectators must stay off the course itself; and
• Spectator must stay clear of the action, even if it should spill off the course.
• Venue-specific limitations apply

What will be in the festival area?

The start and finish lines will be in the festival area, making this a great place to wish your loved ones well or watch them discover if they are survivors or one of the infected.  The festival area will also contain music and the Zombie Run tshirt tent.  Restrooms are nearby.  Activity for kids will be available.  Spectators are welcome and encouraged.

Where will lost and found be located?

Should you lose something or someone, please check in at the Registration/Check-in area.

General Timeline of Activities

7:30 am  Zombie registration/check-in opens
8:00 am  Runner registration/check-in opens
9:00 am  First runner wave launched
10:30 am  Zombie registration/check-in closes
10:40 am  Runner registration/check-in closes
11:00 am  Last Wave of the day
1:30 pm   Event closes

Accessibility Considerations-

We at Zombie Run are dedicated to make our event as accessible as possible.  We’ve made the following changes:

  • A vehicle with a wheelchair lift is dedicated to the handicapped parking areas.  If you see someone that needs help, please inform them of this.

  • Helicopter operations are being moved to an accessible temporary landing zone’

  • Registration will be moved to the cityscape closer to the festival area. Everyone must register and sign the waiver before being allowed out of this area.

  • The festival area will be on-pavement.

There are special venue and event-specific accessibility considerations.

  1. Special Considerations for Service Animals- Please be aware that at Zombie Run your service animal may be exposed to situations that they have never been trained for.  A large part of the experience is that Zombies approach you in an aggressive manner.  Please consider allowing Zombie Run staff to accommodate you by running point and modifying the interaction.

  2. Special Consideration for those suffering from PTSD-   The Guardian Centers is a bespoke disaster training facility.  Zombie Run is the most experienced organization in the world in turning out large numbers of realistic Zombies.  In addition, Improvised Electronics will be on hand with battlefield SFX to include blast simulators, machine gun simulators, smoke and atmospheric effects.  The end result will be a hyper-realistic experience that may be a trigger for some people.  Please let us know what accommodations we can make if you suffer from a condition that may be aggregated by this.

  3. Special Consideration for Children- We will have a child-friendly play area (Do NOT leave your child unattended) and the festival area will be family-friendly.  Be aware however that the very nature of the event there will be Zombies walking about, some will be nightmare-inducing.  Be a parent.


Special Venue Considerations:

The Guardian Centers of Georgia is a purpose-built disaster training facility.  We at Zombie Run feel very fortunate that they allow us to play in their house.  There are unique considerations to be made for this facility.

  1. Collapsed Structures- The collapsed structures are not movie sets or props, they are actual structures designed for first responders to practice extractions.  These structures are inherently unstable and dangerous.   We will identify safe areas for photo opportunities and tape off the rest of these structures.  STAY OUT of the collapsed structures.

  2. Multi-story buildings- Buildings in the cityscape have NO WINDOWS.  Playing capture-the-flag on the third floor of a building with no windows is dangerous.  Zombies in the cityscape MUST remain Romero-like and “for effect”.  There are other areas available to chase humans, ask your Zombie handler.

  3. We want you to experience the unique features of the venue, but be aware that unlike other places, we cannot simply build more obstacles to increase capacity.  The fire escapes are not designed to handle thousands of people per hour.  The highway tunnel is crowded with vehicles by design.  We will send off a hundred or so every few minutes to try to avoid bottlenecks.

  4. The venue looks like a disaster zone BY DESIGN.  Do NOT think that you may disrespect it.  Yes, there are cars overturned. Yes, you may use those cars to help dodge Zombies.  Understand however that if you intentionally break a window, kick a mirror off or otherwise commit an act of vandalism we will escort you off the property without refund, and reserve the right to recover damages.  Us being able using this facility is a privilege and our relationship with the venue is a valuable business asset that we intend to protect.

  5. The flooded neighborhood is a half-million gallon feature that we intend to use.  However because of the way it is situated on the property usual course design would require us to enter it BEFORE going through the cityscape.  We are working on a solution to make this the last feature before entering the finishing chute.  Please bear with us, it may not “flow’ as well as we would like.


Thank you again for participating in the most epic Zombie Run. Ever.

© 2016 by Zombie Run, LLC

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